Catering Staff/Fan Meeting

MSF are very grateful to the Catering team at MFC for giving us their time to listen to the points raised by fans and thank them for sharing their ideas with us.

The points raised at the last meeting in July 2024 were discussed and here are the main points arising from that discussion.

Points Raised at Previous MeetingActionsAny Further Actions
Self-Order Trials. Fans can order and pay at a terminal in the concourse and be given a ticket to collect their food and/or drink immediately or at half time. A trial will begin in the North Stand Concession 8.
Self-service units have been trialled in the North Stand for 3 months. Feedback has been positive. Fans can order drinks for immediate or half time collection. Issue: Fans cannot redeem their free drink at these self-service units.
Other areas now being looked at and more self-order points will be rolled out. MFC working with the till provider to find a way for fans to redeem their free drink. To Note: This is for drinks only no food pre-ordered.
Card payments in SW Corner (Disabled Deck) Fans unable to pay from the Disabled Deck using a card. MFC have taken steps to introduce a new immediate payment system.MFC Disability Liaison Officer in discussion with Catering staff. Feedback positive. Staff can now take orders and payments from the Deck.Disabled access to bars and catering outlets in other area remains an issue. MFC investigating ordering using an App and are working with till provider, but Wi-Fi is an issue. MFC working on positioning of order units, separating them from bars to reduce pinch points in the concourses and ease wheelchair access.
Food in the Fan Zone Lack of space in the Fan Zone for food preparation and service. Food cannot be produced there, but it can be held and dispensed.
MFC considering options for food in this area. Now selling pies in the Fan Zone. Sales are low at present.MFC looking to increase food options in the Fan Zone. MFC will advertise the availability of food in the Fan Zone.
Hot Drinks MFC have put out sleeves and lids for hot drink cups and check fill levels to avoid spillage.MSF reported that availability of sleeves is inconsistent, and fans are not offered a sleeve. MFC pointed out sleeves are often in the condiments tray.MFC will check stocking of sleeves on the counter, next to the tills and in condiment trays, and will check the positioning of condiment trays for access.
Garlic Sauce Requested by fans.MFC providing garlic sauce but take up has been slow. Fans may be unaware it is available or reluctant to pay for it.
Staff will make customers more aware of the availability of garlic sauce and offer/suggest the sauce to fans.
Range of Food – including vegan and vegetarian options. MFC have been trialling a range of food options.MFC looking at a range of foods and confectionary, with trials in certain areas, before rolling it out to other stands: New crisps trial – sales have been low. A new veggie burger is available, but again sales are low. Pizzas no longer offered as sales were low and they deteriorate quickly. Some fans buy food outside the Stadium. Many fans purchase a pie and a pint. MFC bear in mind that as the range extends, the amount of each product delivered reduces.
MFC to reintroduce Pringles. MSF suggested that MFC advertise the range of food they offer, possibly on the MFC website and Footyscran website or big screen.

Pies available to purchase at the food outlets. MFC considering selling pies at the bars too. MSF members to go back to their groups and survey members on current food purchases and suggestions for the future.
Queues MFC have been trialling different ways to reduce concourse waiting time.MFC constantly looking at options to ensure a balance between serving fans quickly, keeping food fresh and giving choice. Double bar has reduced queue length. More tills in some bars. Pumps removed from the front of some bars and sited further back, to allow extra tills to be set up on the front. MFC replacing former betting booths with bars. Not all concourses have a suitable area. Fans remain reluctant to use these bars. Staff sometimes double up as MFC have a staff buddy system.
Could staff direct fans to former betting booths? MSF suggested reasons for fans reluctance to use new outlets: Superstition – always use the same bar. Not able to purchase their whole order there as the range of drink is limited.
Food Trays and Packaging Are being upgraded to reduce waste and the impact on the environment.
Branded packaging has been introduced.New biodegradable branded and locally sourced cups, to be introduced.
Equipment UpgradeMFC purchased 5 new combi-ovens. All are programmable, leading to more consistency in output. Food is healthier as no longer fried. Screen in kitchens to keep track of requirements at all concessions.

Another meeting is planned for the end of the season.