Minutes for MSF Meeting Mon 3rd March

MSF meeting 3rd March 2025Present: Representatives from MFC, Boro Breakdown, OneBoro, MSS, BoroSC2020, MDSA24, FMTTM, Rainbow Reds and MSF Media Officer  Apologies: Boro North America
Agenda items suggested by fans  DiscussionOutcome
Season ticket launch       Difficulties affording a new season ticketGood response from fans to season ticket renewal launch. Launch is early and personal. MFC have shown their appreciation of the fans. There has been a price freeze. The 4-payment scheme is available from the start of this campaign. V12 option is not available to all fans. Could MFC introduce a pre-payment plan – similar to a savings scheme, or Christmas Club – fans could put a payment down at any time, for any amount, throughout the season? Could their credit be used for other purchases as well as season cards e.g. shirts?  Favourable response from fans and season cards selling steadily.           Financial regulations may prevent MFC from taking fans’ money when they have not purchased anything. Community Banking / Credit Union schemes may be able to offer savings schemes to fans – one member of MSF to investigate.
Catering meeting updatesSelf-Serve units are currently for drinks orders only and went live on 28th Sept and were trialled for 3 months.   Fans need to queue at 2 outlets when buying a hot drink and a pie or beer and a pie. Fans groups gathering information on favourite stadium foods and new foods they would like to see.  Trial successful. A few tweaks made, after listening to fans’ feedback. MFC working to upgrade systems to allow fans to redeem their free drink at these Self-Serve units. MFC aware and looking into this.     MFC will continue to listen to fans and a further catering meeting will be held at the end of the season.
Kits – possible fans consultation with MFC retail   Discount in the Club ShopThe Club Crest meetings have been very successful. Fans would like to see a similar meeting with MFC retail staff to discuss launch, sale, availability and choice of kits and other items in the shop and online. Could Season Card holders receive a discount or priority for the purchase of new kits in the Club shop?MFC would like to hear the fans’ opinions and will hold a forum style meeting between the fans and the retail staff.     Season Card holders receive several benefits including free admission to U23 games, Women’s games, discount on Cup tickets, priority for Cup and Away tickets. The subject of discounts and priority will be discussed at the Retail Fans Forum.  
Club CrestMeetings have been very successful. Lots of engagement with fans through initial in-person evening in Dec. Supporters groups consultations in Jan and recent online meeting. Good responses.  Initial research and consultation phase completed. Results being analysed. Next step is to move onto the design process. Fans focus groups will be consulted on the designs.
Seat Geek meetingConcerns about additional charges for ticket transactions. MSF pushing for a meeting with the new manager of Seat Geek.  MFC will contact Seat Geek to arrange a meeting in April.
Match Day ExperienceMatchday experience is becoming more of a challenge for many clubs as kick off times and fan demographics change. MFC looking at ways to improve the atmosphere by introducing Beatbox, flag waving etc. Could MFC fund banners / flags?MFC will hold a fan meeting on improving the Match Day Atmosphere (similar to the Club Crest workshop). MFC trying to engage with more fans out in the community. An event to bring the Club and fans closer is to be held this week. Most fans groups produce their own banners/flags. MFC is happy to hear from any fans group and is always willing to help fans groups if they can.  
Club AnthemMore clubs introducing an anthem to help improve stadium atmosphere. Lots of media interest at present. Will MFC introduce a Club Anthem? Many anthems are traditional songs. Should Boro have one of those, e.g. “We Shall Overcome”? Some Clubs have new anthems, e.g. Arsenal, would that work at Boro? Would Pig Bag stay or go? It has no words, so couldn’t be an anthem? Infant Hercules Choir sang by the Ayresome Park Gates before the Derby game – repertoire included “We Shall Overcome”. MSF felt the Choir’s performance was too early and needed to be just before a game, so more fans could hear it.  MFC looking at various ways to improve match day atmosphere, one of them being a Club Anthem. Players will continue to run out to Pig Bag. An Anthem, synonymous with the Club, could be sung beforehand to build up an atmosphere, uniting fans in their shared passion for their local area, local history and the team. MFC will investigate if the Choir can sing at the pitch side or on the Big Screen. If the words can be on the screen? And the anthem played by the stadium announcer, so that every fan can learn it.
Ugo and Sol MuralMSF were involved in the discussions to produce a memorial to Sol Bamba and Ugo Ehiogu and are pleased to see the mural unveiled before the Watford game. The memorial has been well received by the players’ families and supporters. It received lots of media coverage. Will there be further memorials in the future?  MFC see the Club’s 150th Anniversary as an opportunity to introduce more memorial schemes / ideas. Discussions on their exact nature are taking place.  
EDI surveyMore fans than ever have completed the EDI survey this season. Fans’ additional comments have proved very useful. Results will help MFC better understand their diverse fan base and make fans’ experiences inclusive for all.  MFC thanks all the fans who took the time to complete the survey. Results are being analysed and will be shared with fans. An MSF representative is now attending Club EDI meetings.
Green Football WeekWhat are MFC doing to improve their green credentials? MFC have introduced recyclable packaging for food and drinks and have recycling bins. Paper team sheets for the press and competitions on paper in the Family Zone have been replaced with digital options. This year’s FSA green initiative The Great Save, includes recycling of kits.  MFC’s Green Weekend will be Sat 29th March v Oxford. MFC Foundation already collecting kits and boots. MFC Facilities team are taking a lead on green projects and are keen to educate young supporters.
Ground SafetySafety in carparks –Pedestrians should have priority, but cars are moving in the car park to get into a queue for the exit. Cars should not move until 30 minutes after the final whistle, when barriers will be opened. One fan reported on how the movement of cars is particularly hazardous for wheelchair users and other disabled fans.MFC to investigate movement of cars after the final whistle, in various carparks.   MSF to look at wording on the parking tag.   The fan involved has met up with MFC Disability Liaison Officer and consulted with Level Playing Field.    
Fans Zone Upgrade.Could MFC develop a bigger fans zone on waste ground near Temenos? Other Clubs have big fan zones a similar distance from the Stadium e.g. Plymouth and Bristol City. These Fan Zones are not covered. Plymouth’s is fenced off and has toilets and 8 concessions. They are used by home and away fans.  MFC are currently looking at plans to develop the Fans Zone.
Gigs at the Riverside this summer There will be no gigs at the Riverside this summer due to pitch renovations.  
AOBMDSA24 have launched their website and Facebook page and will hold their AGM in June. They thanked MFC for organising the Access for All game v Derby. Boro Breakdown asked what supporters can do with their old programmes.         MSF will hold their next Foodbank collection at the Oxford Utd game on the 29th March.             Next Meeting 15th AprilA Member of MDSA24 has joined the FSA Championship Younger Supporter Forum.     MFC Foundation will be happy to take any old programmes, to engage older fans and those suffering from dementia. They sell valuable programmes to raise funds and have held a sale of programmes and other memorabilia at the Stadium.       MSF would like to congratulate Yvonne Ferguson (MFC Supporters Liaison Officer) on becoming one of 5 Community Heroes, who have all had a significant impact on the lives of local people.