Meeting – Monday 10th June 2024 – Riverside (+Online)

Minutes of MSF Meeting Mon 10th June 2024 6.30pm

Present: MSF: Rob Nichols, Caroline Walker, Jill Atkinson, Owen Swift, Tom Green, Jeff Collins, Kul Peacock, John Brunger, John Donovan, Michelle Coleman, Leila Abidi. MFC: Helena Bowman

  1. New Committee Enrolled

A poll was carried out over the last few weeks, to elect a new committee. Thanks to John B for organising the voting. Rob Nichols Chair, Caroline Walker Vice Chair, Jill Atkinson Secretary/Treasurer. MSF members present voted to ratify the appointments. Boro BAME Army abstained.


Handrails: Stadium Safety rules state that MFC are not required to have handrails on the staircases in the seating areas of the stands, as the gradient/rake of the seating is not steep enough, and there are no plans at present to add new handrails inside the Stadium. However, MFC continue to monitor the situation and new developments.

Stadium Refresh/Touch Up: During last season MFC focused mainly on the outside of the Stadium. Work done externally included: remarking of carparking spaces, disabled spaces, LED lights in carparks, new signage, painting of posts and lamp posts, replacement/painting of bins. Inside the Stadium, hospitality lounges have been refurbished. Next season MFC will focus more on the inside of the Stadium.

Safe Standing: There are 2 possible types of safe standing available: Rail seating, with a totally new integrated, metal seat and an independent rail MFC awaiting a decision from the structural engineers. If agreed that rails are required, the Club will consult and then pilot a safe standing area. The rules for independent rails are that the away section must also have an area available. MSF asked that they are available in the North stand.

Toilet Upgrade: MFC will feed back to The Facilities Team about problems in the toilets, including jamming of towel dispensers and need for a general upgrade of the facilities. There have been complaints about the lack of hot water in the toilets. This is due to the high demand for hot water at certain times and the size of the hot water tank. MSF thanked MFC for offering free period products in the ladies’ toilets and MFC informed everyone that this service would continue.

Fan Zone: Currently there are no plans to extend the Fan Zone however it is something MFC would consider. It does have an impact on car parking, which is very limited already. There were discussions around the potential need for a roof/cover for the fans zone.

Big Screen: MFC have previously received quotes for big screen/s in the fan zone and are re-engaging with those companies. MSF suggested that a screen showing Championship games could be erected in the Fan Zone, as there will be more early and late kick offs in the Championship in future and games could be shown before or after the Boro game. MSF also thought that the Euro 2024 England games could be shown on a big screen.

Stadium Wi-Fi: MFC understands that accessing the Wi-Fi network can be an issue and are looking at quotes for further upgrading the stadium Wi-Fi but it is a significant cost. MSF felt the lack of Wi-Fi could be a safety concern and it could cause problems with the reporting of issues such as hate crime. MFC have added other methods of reporting these issues to their information announcements.

Potholes in Carpark E: The potholes are filled regularly, however due to the weather and carpark usage, they constantly reappear. MFC have had a quote for the resurfacing of Carpark E, which is significant.

One way system: MSF asked about a possible one-way system for drop offs and pick ups before and after a game. MFC explained that there is currently a drop off system in place, however, it was not a one way system. Fans can currently apply for a drop off pass by emailing the ticket office. This allows them to access the stadium’s main car park up to half an hour before kick-off. Access to the carpark is via Shepherdson Way, as all other access roads are closed 45 minutes before kick-off and is a safety decision. MSF pointed out that some disabled fans have had to be dropped off or picked up too far from their seats and have had difficulties in accessing their transport if they have to leave a match early. Shepherdson Way can be a difficult road for some disabled fans to manage owing to its gradient. Wheelchair users have had access difficulties owing to cars parked on the footpaths, especially in the area around The Navigation. Stewards were unable/unwilling to allow access any closer to the Stadium. MFC confirmed there should be flexibility if it is an emergency. MSF have requested that MFC look at an area that is closer to the Stadium and quieter that can be used for the picking up and dropping off of disabled fans.


MFC are setting up a working group to look at the concourse bars and food outlets.

MSF requested that garlic sauce be included in the condiments at stadium food outlets – MFC will try and offer it.

MFC have set up a different type of bar which has been successful in alleviating queues and have other ideas to speed up the service.

MSF mentioned the limited range of food on offer, including vegetarian options.

MSF pointed out that the room disabled fans can use at half time was a great idea, but they are unable to make card payments for food from that room. MFC will investigate the payment issues and set up a new system.

MFC are currently recycling waste from concourse outlets, however, they will request that the Facilities team put out more recycling bins and make the labelling/messaging clearer.

MSF felt that hot drinks were maybe too hot and that the lids don’t always fit the cups. MFC will raise this issue with the concourse working group.


The next MSF meeting will be solely about the important issue of Ticketing. This will include discussions about priority points. MFC and Seat Geek will be invited to the meeting.


Update on the photo project reflecting the diversity of the fans at the Club and in the town. There will be 3 photo sessions over the next couple of weeks, capturing 16 Boro fans in places around Middlesbrough, wearing different Boro shirts. My Boro, My Shirt will be launched at The Riverside and exhibitions will be held throughout Teesside, starting at the Dorman Museum.


MSF will continue to catalogue the names on the Boro Bricks. The bricks were guaranteed for 10 years and have been laid for approximately 15 years. The cost of cleaning the bricks professionally is very high. Ideas suggested included MSF cleaning the bricks, recording the name and position of the bricks and making a mural of fans photos on a wall.


MFC have been looking at a subsidised Park and Ride system, using shuttle buses from the town centre. This is aimed at reducing the congestion around the Stadium and our Carbon Footprint. Discussions about this service with various bodies are well under away and issues, including availability of drivers, are still to be resolved.


The Football Governance Bill did not go through Parliament due to the calling of the General Election. FSA have appealed to all parties to make it part of their manifesto. All Clubs may not be required to have a shadow board and this might come in for the Premier League only. MSF suggested it might be a good idea for MFC to have a shadow board as we aspire to reach the Premier League soon. MSF will look at ideas for Fan Engagement, particularly Stoke City’s plans for the coming season. MFC’s Chairman is considering meeting with a small group of fans. The group is still to be finalised but Boro BAME Army wanted to place on record that they have raised their concerns about a lack of diversity.


Other fans groups, including Podcasters and other Social Media groups, have asked MSF members informally if they can join MSF. MSF may be in danger of becoming too large a group for meaningful and inclusive discussions to take place, and a unified approach to working with MFC may be jeopardised. But it was also considered important that MSF should not stand still and should try to include all groups where possible. Groups may apply to join MSF by emailing the address on the Boro Support website and then applications will be considered. The Chair will inform group leaders if their application has been successful or not and give the reasons why not. MSF will set up a Code of Conduct for any new group to adhere to. If a group is turned down, they may reapply at a later date.

10. AOB

MSF congratulated MFC Foundation and MFC Academy on their South Asian Emerging Talent Football Festival to be held in July.

MSF enquired if the sale of new shirts could start earlier in the Summer, to allow fans to purchase them for Father’s Day or holidays.

Summary of Actions for MSF:

MSF and MFC to set up the Concourse Working Party.

MSF to arrange date and invite MFC and Seat Geek to a Ticketing Meeting.

All members of MSF to look at FSA guidelines on Fan Engagement.

MSF to put Code of Conduct in place.